Thursday 18 September 2008

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

On the 1st November last year I posted this blog entry, saying how I could hardly wait to see Acorah's latest DVD.

The DVD arrived today and at last I've seen the mysterious footage showing the glasses being thrown into the audience by a spirit man at Blackpool. Well, when I say I've seen it ... I suppose I'd better start at the beginning, so first I'll give Acorah's claim,followed by what is on the DVD.

To set the scene, at the back left corner of the stage [as seen from the camera] up against the curtains, is a small table with what appears to be a red Formica top. On it is a jug of water and two glasses.

The clip begins when Acorah pours a glass of water from the jug and, instead of taking a drink and putting it down as he usually does, he keeps hold of it.

CLAIM: I've got footage of a spirit person developing and manifesting onstage in front of 2000 people. I've got it all on camera. It was at a theatre in Blackpool. On a table on the stage I always have a jug of water and ice and a glass or two.

Suddenly this man developed, and you can hear the audience shouting "Derek! Derek! Derek!".

FACT: He mutters, "I will, who are you? I'm with the lady. Do you belong with the lady? Sam, step him back. Just for the moment. I won't announce you, not at the moment because I'm going to talk about the lady. What's your name then? Mr Booker? OK, so you don't belong with the lady. I will announce you if you just ... OK."

To audience: "Before we go any further, someone, his son ... your son's here? His son's here. Erm... I've got a gentleman here who won't step back 'til I sound him out and he'll come back later. Is a Mr Booker here, please? Booker? "

Shot of a section of the audience - nobody is responding, or craning to see someone answering.

Acorah seems to have heard a response though, and he continues, "OK, we'll come to you in a moment please."

To 'spirit' "Is that alright? Thank you!"

Acorah walks away from the table with the glass, says "Sorry" to the audience, and returns to the table to put his glass on it. "It's ... they're just so you know eager ..."

CLAIM: I look, and I see him, and suddenly this light appears, like an arm from him, and one of the glasses lifts off the table, and all the people went silent, and the glass crashed down to the auditorium in front of the audience. There was a big gasp and scream.

FACT: He walks away from the table, and looks back at it four times as he says, " I can understand them, it's just that they jump out on me, and I'm ..."

There is the sound of something falling to the floor...


"Thank you!!" says Acorah in mock indignation.

There are some titters in the audience. Acorah turns to them and shouts, "He's just knocked it off! Your man's just knocked it off! You saw it with your own eyes" he says triumphantly, and adds, "I told you it wasn't going to be like Most Haunted, didn't I? "

Laughter and applause.

CLAIM: Now, the same spirit man - the glass that had water and ice in it - that was shifted off the table and that also was thrown down into the audience. I've got that footage. I have it in my possession.

Acorah returns to the table then walks away again.

"He's laughing at me now! Sorry for the staff - it's 'im!" pointing to the table. "Look, the glass is cracked now," he says with a giggle.

He pours another glass of water and sings "Oh, what a night..." and takes a big swig, placing the glass back on the table almost in the same place as the first one.

"Thank you, bless you" he mutters and as he turns and walks away from the table we hear the sound of something else falling to the floor ...


This is accompanied by a scream and some laughter from the audience.

"Stop! Now!" he commands, pointing in the direction of the table. [This is followed by a replay of him placing the glass on the table.] "Stop, otherwise I won't announce you. They've all seen [unintelligible] ... if you do it to the jug I will not announce you. "

"I'm sorry. It's not funny. Someone ... could we have a fresh glass please as that's all cracked and the other one's broken, and I won't drink out of a jug even for him."

So... no "footage of a spirit person developing and manifesting onstage in front of 2000 people" - LIE

No audience can be heard shouting "Derek! Derek! Derek!" - LIE

No glass "being thrown into the auditorium". as Acorah picks it up just in front of the table - LIE

No glass "being thrown into the audience" as again it is lying just in front of the table - LIE

And above all, nothing at all "caught on camera" - LIE

So what do we have on the DVD? Nothing more than a very inept attempt by Acorah to fake a 'manifestation' , which is just what I expected.

It's just like the other 'ghost' Acorah claimed was 'caught on camera' - that of the highwayman. Of course that never materialised, either...

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