Friday 14 November 2008

The wrong way to get rich and famous

Alan Shaw has written to me, having read the Double Exposure website, to say:

As a Spiritualist Medium myself it was clear to me from the beginning, without any proof, Derek Acorah was a fake. I wrote letters to one of the people on the show without ever having a reply. I stopped working as a medium, due to failing health sometime before the show started so I certainly wasnt looking for a place on it.

Having worked for 17 years in Spiritualist Churches and halls all over the country I think I know genuine mediumship from the playacting of Acorah. I had to stop watching the show because it made me feel quite ill seeing the crew taken in by this nasty fake. Unfortunately Spiritualism has also had its fakes over the years. Inexperianced people do not know what to look for and get taken in very easily by the likes of Derek (Johnson) Acorah.

As a young man I had a very good memory and knew the details of hundreds of haunted sites. Had I been taken to any one of them I could have supplied names and details that would have fooled almost anyone.

TV had a showman in Acorah and it sold the show to the gullible public.

When they used Gordon Smith, a genuine medium, who I shared a weekend on stage with in London back in the 80s, there just wasnt the entertainment factor they had with Acorah.

I used working in the halls as an opportunity to promote the Churches and the Spiritualist movement. I never liked the idear of people seeing it as an entertainment but for some it was,unfortunately.

I could have made big money had I wanted to, I was offered many opportunities that I turned down. The limelight is not for me, and its the wrong way to get rich and famous.


Spiricom said...

I am not familiar with the work of Derek Arcorah, but we need to use temperent language at all times. You refer to yourself as a young man in the 80's, yet you are posting as Emma Gee. Could you clarify your change of status-Spiricom0.

Emma Gee said...

I am Emma Gee, and this is my blog. As stated at the top of this entry, Alan Shaw wrote to me, and it is he who was "a young man in the 80s". There has been no change in my status.